Happy Hour at Happy Valley

[Change of Date to 12 June]


It feels like ages since we left the vibrant UST campus, but the memories we made there still hold a special place in our hearts. We invite you to our upcoming Happy Hour at Happy Valley, where we can reignite those connections, expand our professional networks, and celebrate our shared experiences.


Event Details:

Date: 12 June 2024
Time: 6:30 PM (Registration), 7:00 PM (Event Start)
Venue: Happy Valley Racecourse
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Member fee: Free of charge
Non-member fee: HK$ 50
Contact Person: Sabrina Cho at sabrina.cho@ustaa.hk / Raynard Liew at raynard.liew@ustaa.hk


Register today.

Registration for the event is now closed. Keep updated about our latest events, and hope to see you soon!